
For a *fat-free* Halloween, please visit my new beta blog, this 'n that, it's creepy.

Kudos to jc's designs


Jay Noel said...

Your other blog is fantastic too!

ckmunson said...

:) Yes he sure is.

sage said...

Yeah he is, but Cheney (his life insurance policy) is even more scary. Let's hope we get some balance back into govt so that he has some oversight. I'm all for gridlock!

As for last night (sounds spicy doesn't it), I can't say that St Louis won, Detriot lost! I still shake my head at the errors--we literally threw the game away. In '68, I was a Cardinal fan and was disappointed, 38 years later I see the light and am still disappointed!

Hale McKay said...

Your Beta Blog is great! I left a comment there too.

I guess I have to devote two spaces for you on my Blogroll, eh?

Polly said...

Et tu Nameste??
Is everyone going beta?
Tell me the positives will you?

Karen said...

phoenix~ thx!

~cj~ and his sidekick.

sage~ sorry about the Tigers; i feel your pain. :-(

mike (hale)~ thx & thx!! :+)

peaches~ beta is easier to use all around, i.e. it's easier to manuever the text size and colors, easier to add and arrange page elements (you click and drag).

you don't have to remember to republish anymore, or decide whether to do a "republish index only" or "republish all." The instant you save a new post, template design, or settings change, your blog is updated. No more waiting for the publishing indicator to creep its way up to 100%.

not sure if i covered everything, but you could *explore* on your own by creating a beta blog. if you don't like it, simply delete.

hope this was helpful. :+)

Carina said...

Karen, I so enjoy visiting your blog! Where do you FIND some of these funny things?
You are making a pretty good case for Beta Blogger. Maybe I'll try it...

Karen said...

carina~ click on jc's designs, that's where you'll find most of these. she's very talented!