WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Wednesday that he would possibly send troops into Pakistan to hunt down terrorists, an attempt to show strength when his chief rival has described his foreign policy skills as naive.

Hillary’s Surge: Hillary Clinton has had quite a run in the presidential campaign so far. And the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll backs that up. She now has a 21-point lead over Obama in the Democratic horserace (43%-22%) -- up from her 14-point lead back in June (39%-25%) and her five-point lead in April (36%-31%). In addition, she leads Giuliani in a potential general election match-up, 47%-41%, when those numbers were essentially reversed back in March. And in this latest poll, a whopping 74% say that at least 24 straight years of Bushes and Clintons in the White House won’t be much of a consideration when they vote.

I've been out of the political loop because I've been out of town... I didn't miss the loop either... nice to hear from you again!
"Where's my gun and the bullet!?!"
Hon, I used to fuss a lot about the bushies on my blog. But I turned that problem over to others to take care of. And I want to thank you for doing that for me, see how God is? I delegate. hugs.
I'm not keen on Hillery, she is a man with a vagina. But I'm not all that keen on Obama either.
It's like I keep saying, life is like a can of mixed nuts and the big ones rise to the top.
We have no right sending troops anywhere. We only have the right to protect our own space the best we can.
But !!! If I was to evade another country I would annex them and make them a part of me. To heck with trying to help them set up their own so called democracy. You've seen how that is working out in Iraq.
And it wouldn't be a democracy anyway, but a benevolent monarchy. Like you run your home. :-)
Like your playing cards... as for sending troops, if we keep this up well have to quickly get the draft back, but sending troops should be a LAST resort. and it probably will be for the guy or gal to follow Georgie Boy--out of default
I honestly don't know who I like better. I just know both Obama and
Clinton are a better choice than the rest. I don't like the idea of sending more troops anywhere else either. I think they need a break.
Great post, Karen, as usual!
No one worried about the 'agreement' US has with Saudi Arabia? Where do you think Bin Laden came from? What do you think is happening in their gaols? How many people ( Brits) have they tortured in the past 10 years? There is something fishy here and it has to to with...great god money!!!
Oh...Love Jon Stewart!!!!
I think Obama might have started an implosion within his campaign. It truly does appear that this one is Hillary's to lose. I'm still backing Edwards, but hoping for Gore. Talk about spread thin...
Hillary will never win the Presidency if she wins the Dem vote. The idea of her running this country scares me. It really does. This will become the United Socialist-States of America.
I don't know which I like better. Still waiting for Obama to reveal all.
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