
Bush has nothing to offer sick children

Republicans reacted angrily yesterday to President Bush's promise to veto a bill that would renew and expand the popular State Children's Health Insurance Program, raising the likelihood of significant GOP defections when the package comes to a vote next week.

"I'm disappointed by the president's comments," said Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), who urged Bush, in an early-morning telephone conversation yesterday, to support the emerging bipartisan compromise. "Drawing lines in the sand at this stage isn't constructive. . . . I wish he would engage Congress in a bill that he could sign instead of threatening a veto."

"I'm very, very disappointed," said Sen. Gordon Smith (R-Ore.). "I'm going to be voting for it."


Diane said...

Well, spending money on sick kids would take money away from Iraq contracts for Halliburton

PoliShifter said...

If it's not being spent on the military, wars, or crony corporate no bid cost plus contracts then to Bush it's waste.

Hale McKay said...

Knowing priorities apparently is not a trait of our fearless leader.

sage said...

Maybe he'd think differently if he realized that investing in keeping kids well means more future soldiers for the Persian Gulf since it looks like we're going to be there for a while... I know, I'm a cynic

Jolynn said...

Geez, it's just one thing after another with him. It's a little ridiculous.

Shephard said...

I hope he continues to piss people off on both sides. The other side deserves it, and we could use the company.

s. douglas said...

Sick kids? Who has time for sick kids? They're nothing but a bunch of babies anyway.

We's got warrin' to do. 'Sides, Ah's an asshead, er I mean asset.