
Kudos to 'All Hat No Cattle'


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You crack me up Sister. Pink elephant in glasses. Awesome.

Karen said...

TRUTH~ I'm only as good as the work I steal off the 'net! :o)

sage said...

Now I know where the phrase, "the elephant in the room" came from...

Jack K. said...

Let me see? Oh, yeah, I remember now. Pink elephants had something to do with the consumption of alcohol. There were those who believed they saw pink elephants, and they didn't have to drink too much.

I suppose one can get drunk on too much power. That could cause one to see pink elephants in one's mirror.

Just a thought. Hmmm?

Jack K. said...

You do steal some interesting stuff. snerx.

Karen said...

sage~ Bingo!

Jack~ Pink, Pink, You Stink!


Holte Ender said...

Well at least glasses makes the GOP look a little intelligent.

Karen said...

Holte~ Or not! :o)