


TomCat said...

Love it!

Karen said...

TomCat~ Sure he does, too... love them!

Jerry Critter said...

Yea, right!

Probably Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!

Holte Ender said...

I bet the bible verse is "Go forth and Propagate."

Karen said...

Jerry~ Oh damn!! :o)

Holte~ And I'm sure they follow the bible to a 'T'.

Teeluck said...

Moses likes to look for the promised land, lol

Karen said...

Tee~ And I'm sure he's found it! :o)

Kentucky Rain said...

LOL Holte!!

Karen said...

Mike~ Holte is hilarious!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Anyone who lacks faith only need look at the nice, wholesome young lady with Tebow. That pair could only have been sculpted by The Almighty Himself.

Karen said...

TRUTH~ Now I see where you got your name from, you do tell the truth. :o)