


Holte Ender said...

Those panties are way too small for Limbaugh, 25 years ago he might forced his into them, not any more.

Beekeepers Apprentice said...

PFFFTTTTT - that was tea hitting the screen.


Karen said...

Holte~ Ha!

Bee~ Had the same initial reaction you did! :o)

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I thought my latest post would be the toast of the weekend till I saw this one Karen.


Karen said...

TRUTH~ Well now I'll be right over to see your latest! :o)

Jolly Roger said...

Since that's not a teenage male hooker from Puerto Plata holding those bloomers, I declare the caption to be a fake!

Karen said...

Roger~ Welcome!

TomCat said...

Coat them with tinfoil for his hat.

Karen said...

TomCat~ Ha!Ha!