


Fred said...

If Bo says it's Easter. so be it. Hope you had a good one, Karen.

jmsjoin said...

Happy Easter Karen! So they didn't get a dog huh?

Karen said...

Fred~ You too!

patriot~ Indeed they did and his name is Bo!!

Happy Easter!

Diane said...

he's so cute!

Karen said...

Diane~ Yes he is!!

jmsjoin said...

Karen I was teasing! I have turned into a cat guy but I always had very big dogs.

Karen said...

patriot~ I knew that!


Jack K. said...

A cute little critter. I'm sure the girls will be happy.

Jolynn said...

he is so so cute!

Karen said...

Jack~ Yes, the girls will be happy. But, looks like he's already *bonded* with the prez, as well, i.e., my 4.13.09 post.

Jolynn~ He's taken =cute= to a whole new level! :o)