It could become an iconic moment in a six-hour health care summit that was at times a sleepy affair: President Obama debating Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY)--a medical doctor--on whether guaranteeing catastrophic coverage is a sufficient answer to the country's health care woes.
"Would you be satisfied if every member of Congress just had catastrophic care--you think we'd be better health care purchasers?" Obama asked Barrasso. "I mean, is that a change you think we should make?"
"I think actually we would," Barrasso responded. "We'd really focus on it. We'd have more, as you say, skin in the game. And especially if they had a savings account--a health savings account--they could put their money into that, and they'd be spending the money out of that."
Obama's retort left Barrasso speechless:
"Would you feel the same way if you were making $40,000. Or if that was your income. Because that's the reality for a lot of folks," Obama said.
Kudos to 'Mario Piperni'
Those republican Senate millionaires just don't get it.
I didn't think they should have televised the summit--i thought they should have gotten together to talk without having to show-off for the cameras--but from what i heard, Obama maintained control when people are suggesting that he's only good when there is a script in front of him.
Jerry~ Ya think!?!
sage~ It's my understanding the rethugs were complaining that talks were behind closed doors so that's why it was televised and streamed live.
It was good for Obama because it showed the rethugs to be the idiots they are.
He's an emBarrassoment to humanity -- with Barrasso ballos.
And these guys probably regard the heart as a non-essential organ.
Infidel~ They have hearts!?!
Perhaps, after all of the posturing on both sides good sense will prevail.
Nah, that may be too much to hope for. Asking for it doesn't seem to work.
And to think, they still get paid, whether they take care of the country or not. What a joke.
btw, I purposely include the Dems in the mix. The independents are also a part of it as well.
Jack~ Yes, the Dems need to included in the mix. The only one coming up smelling like a rose is Prez O... no surprise there.
Obama blew them all away, both Dems and the others. He stands alone. The Dems don't deserve him.
Health savings accounts are fine for those with a couple thousand extra each month to throw into one.
Holte~ It's what I predicted to happen when O won the election.
TomCat~ Which just about eliminates the majority of us.
Thanks for giving me more information for a paper I'm writing about racism. When it's done I'll post it and let you know.
Holte, I couldn't agree more. The self-centered, power-grabbing assholes don't know or understand the leader we have.
The thought just occurred, if Carter had been black how would he have fared? Hmmmmm?
Jack~ Good points.
He's such a good President.
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