This week's "FRIDAY FUN" features 'Mike (hale mckay)' The Pointmeister over at 'It Occurred To Me'. If you've never visited him, you are missing out because he's recently been chosen *Blog Of The Week*. So go on over and take a look, you won't be disappointed! And, oh, these cartoons are from his site!

Great cartoons. Off to Hale's blog now!
Oh, and have a great weekend, too.
these cartoons are a HOOT! i'm so impressed... and, like fred, i'm off to check out hale's blog!
thanks for sharin', karen!! hope you have a happy and fun weekend! xox neva
My girlfriends are going to love that first cartoon. Off to Hales blog!
Have a wondidderful weekend!
These are hilarious...rofl!
Those are so funny. I'm beginning to feel like that lady. :)
Great cartoons.
Visited Hale's site. Left a comment about how you forced me to visit his site. lol
I intend to add it to my daily list of blogs to visit.
BTW, have a great weekend.
THank you Karen for the plug. Mucho gracias to all of you who followed Karen's suggestion to visit me. I will certainly return the favor.
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