As defined by Mahatma Gandhi:
In India when people meet and part they often say, Namaste' which means: "I honor the place within you where the entire Universe resides; I honor the place within you of love, of light, of truth, of peace; I honor the place within you, where, when you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us."
Seriously, I'm financially comfortable enough that even though it makes me cringe, I can actually afford to put 50 bucks in my tank every week if that is what it costs - how do people on a tighter budget than I have manage to keep enough gas in their cars to get to work? They haven't raised the minimum wage enough to even compensate for the gas hikes . . . this is simply ridiculous.
But at least our oil companies will again have record profits
Seriously, I'm financially comfortable enough that even though it makes me cringe, I can actually afford to put 50 bucks in my tank every week if that is what it costs - how do people on a tighter budget than I have manage to keep enough gas in their cars to get to work? They haven't raised the minimum wage enough to even compensate for the gas hikes . . . this is simply ridiculous.
But at least our oil companies will again have record profits
I feel luckly I filled up the other day at 3.23--now that its 3.49--which means that if I'm much below a quarter of a tank, it'll cost $75
Last year: The price of crude oil: pushed $80 a barrel.
This year: The price of crude oil: Under $65 a barrel.
But the price of gasoline is actually at a record high.
And don't blame it on crude oil prices (nor on gasoline taxes which also haven't gone up since last year.)
I call it: someone is making a mint.
Hi Karen.
Uh-oh. I just used that picture & didn't know you did. Great minds, huh?
I walk and bike a lot and only use about one tank a month, we need to wean ourselves of gas anyway. All that traveling is wrecking the planet.
I often wonder if anyone really cares though.
Because of all the smoke screens in our monetary system I get the eerie feeling that this is how we are paying for Bush's frigging wars. Hugs.
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