


Holte Ender said...

Limpbag had to pay cash for his panicky hospital visit because he has a $1,000,000 deductible on his health insurance because of his drug habit.

Karen said...

Holte~ Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could pay cash!! He thinks because he can, there's nothing wrong with our HC system...

...what a friggin' a-hole!!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I've been having a debate with a rightie that thinks the average middle class family could actually save enough money for medical bills in their senior years. Plus retirement.

I will never feel guilty about the rich paying more taxes than the rest of when you consider this blowhard has made 100's of millions telling lies and running down real Americans.

Karen said...

TRUTH~ Only the good die young, that's why he's still with us.

Infidel753 said...

Who wouldn't divorce a woman whose judgment was so grotesquely bad that she'd marry Rush Limbaugh?

Karen said...

Infidel~ Funny!

Beekeepers Apprentice said...

Oh, Chatty Cheney, that was hilarious! Like Chucky, only not as nice.

Kentucky Rain said...

Rush Blubberbaugh says he didn't get health care that was any better than anyone else??? How freaking stupid does this blowhard think we are??

sage said...

I wondered how much Limbaugh's drug bill really is...

Karen said...

Bee~ Ha!

Mike~ Playin' to his base, and they're all pretty freakin' stupid!

sage~ One can only imagine.

Jolynn said...

I can't stand that guy. Dick Cheney please go away. Please!!!

Karen said...

Jolynn~ Think he'll be around til he drops dead... he thinks he's still running the WH!

TomCat said...

The health care Rush needs is an anal craniectomy.

Karen said...

TomCat~ Or death, whichever comes first!

TomCat said...

Probably death. With his head so far up his butt, he'll probably suffocatre.

Karen said...

TomCat~ {fingers crossed}