
Right-Wing Radio Host Incensed That ‘Butt Sniffer’ Michael Steele Canceled Appearance On Her Show



Infidel753 said...

Well, when you're being teabagged, it's kind of hard to avoid doing that, unless you wear a clothespin on your nose.

Jerry Critter said...

Well what do ya know. And I thought Steele was brown because he was African American.

Karen said...

Infidel~ LOL! Hubby wants to know who's butt he's sniffing!!

Jerry~ Is that what ya call a turn coat!?!

TomCat said...

Labeling this 'fool' is an understatement.

Karen said...

TomCat~ It's hilarious.

Jack K. said...

Butt sniffer, butt kisser. Is there much difference? snerx

Holte Ender said...

He would need nerves of "Steele" to sniff all the butts he has to, so that he can keep his job.

Karen said...

Jack~ They're both gross! :o)

Holte~ He'd better get crackin'!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It depends on the butt being sniffed as to whether or not it's gross.

I think Steele is a clown but hey, we're both guys and we do have a code.

Karen said...

Bee~ ewwwwww!

TRUTH~ And that would be...?

Kentucky Rain said...

LOL LOL!!! I have got ot add you guys to my Blog Roll.

Karen said...

Mike~ Thx!