


Infidel753 said...

Actually, your first picture provides an answer to the second. I will give the conservatives credit for naming their new movement "teabaggers". It may not exactly qualify as "right", but at least it gives us something to laugh at them about.

Welcome back from wherever you've been!

Karen said...

Jim~ Don't know what happened to your comment because I approved both yours and Infidel753 at the same time and yours didn't post so I retrieved it from the email that blogger sent...

an average patriot has left a new comment on your post

I like that drill baby drill with Palin. Did you see that worthless shit Palin is already coming out with another book. Of course someone else will write it. It pisses me off, what the hell has she done?

I guess I am a dunderhead I don't get that teabag poster?

Karen said...

Infidel~ I've been killing my spring to-do list and spending lots of time on Facebook! :o)

patriot~ You're not a dunderhead, actually it was my Aussie Facebook friend who alerted me to the definition of "teabagger". Since it's quite graphic, go here for the explanation!

Holte Ender said...

Welcome back Karen and the graphics are up to your usual standard.

Karen said...

Holte~ LOL... I'll take that as a compliment!

Jack K. said...

Thanks for the clue to the "real" meaning of tea bagging.

I wonder why I didn't get that one at first. snerx.

Take care.

Karen said...

Jack~ I didn't get it til our Aussie friend pointed it out to me on Facebook... LOL!

TomCat said...

Now, if you'd been reading PP instead of Facebooking, you would have learned what Teabagger means ages ago. ;-)

Congrats on redefining Teabuggery.

Karen said...

TomCat~ Ya got me on the 'Teabuggery' thingy!

Jack K. said...

Karen, let your imagination work on the teabuggery thingy. Make something up. :-D

Karen said...

Jack~ Ha!

Beekeepers Apprentice said...

Glad you're back, Karen...you always made me laugh, and lemme tell you, at 6:45 a.m., that is no easy feat :)

Karen said...

Bee~ Thx! :o)