


Jack K. said...

It must be difficult for some to go from the pissor to the pissee.


Karen said...

Jack~ And I'm pissed about it!


Jack K. said...


It's too funny for words.

Actually, it is too tragic for words. You know, having to swap positions like that. We gotta learn how to get along better.

Having the biggest whatever, doesn't make you the best.

Polly said...

Trickle down effect has never ever worked...It is not an event that is bound by the laws of gravity, it is a moral idea that is bound by the laws of generosity.
The poor must always be looked after first...the rich will get the 'trickle up' affect...sooner or later...

So so proud of your Prez today in the paper denouncing nuclear weapons and admitting (FINALLY) that it is only America that has detonated a Nuclear bomb...
Such a relief to have such a leader, showing leadership.
You should be so so pleased...we will even forgive you one day ( America) and start loving you harder than before!!

Karen said...

Jack~ Funny and tragic are good descriptions.

Polly~ Sad that Bush tarnished our image so severely with the rest of the world.

It's going to take time for Prez O to restore our favorable statue around the globe that America is their friend.

Fred said...

I wonder if can show this in class when I'm talking about Reagan?

Karen said...

Fred~ It would be a big hit!