Time reports "All the good feeling at the White House at President Bush's early birthday party on July 4 couldn't hide the fact that the president finds himself in a world of hurt.
A grinding and unpopular war in Iraq, a growing insurgency in Afghanistan, an impasse over Iran's nuclear ambitions, brewing war between Israel and the Palestinians -- the litany of global crises would test the fortitude of any president, let alone a second-termer with an approval rating mired in Warren Harding territory.
And there's no relief in sight..."
Kudo's to 'Scrutiny Hooligans'
I don't mind the commentary, but that picture? Ack!
The next presidential election will be quite interesting. I can hardly wait for all the fireworks.
fred~ the pic kinda puts the commentary in perspective, don't ya think!?!
As to Fred's comment: Never mind the fireworks of the next Presidential election - one can only wonder what the primaries within both parties are going to be like!
hale~ yep! bigger than the 4th of july!!
anand~ indeed!!
I'm still with the headache from Wednesday. It ruined my whole week!!!!!
sabatkes~ well, maybe a smooth glass of wine would numb yer headache. :-)
I have to agree, the primarys are going to be very intersting.
Ol' George and his band of misfits aren't in the least worried. Sure, they're not the stars of the show, getting pats on the back and Hooo-RAH!!! from the front, but they are firmly entrenched and protected. No bullet in the bunker for this one.
Do you think that the next election will change things? Don't bet on it.
The solution?
There isn't one :>(
cj~ interesting, to say the least!
tim~ "The solution? There isn't one"...
...scary, eh!?!
that picture reminded me of the cover on Maureen Dowd's book, Bushworld.(if you haven't read it, you should, it's awesome). seriously, it's pathetic how this rich kid from greenwich, CT basically transplanted himself to Texas and now imagines himself to be a swaggering rootin' tootin' version of John Wayne. (altho' i guess he's feelin' more like davey crockett at the alamo these days, right?)
no relief in sight? i can think of one thing that might relieve *my* anxiety... can somebody say "impeachment"?
xoxo neva
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