Chuck Hagel as Barack's VP... consider the possibilities!!!

The next Commander-In-Chief of the United States will make our country very proud again!

It was well worth the wait for Bush to come to the rescue of solving the banking crisis by issuing his advice of "take a deep breath."

A Shortage at the Pump: Not of Gas, but of 4s
If one is the loneliest number, then four is the hottest — at least when it comes to gasoline.
With regular gas in New York City at a near-record $4.40 a gallon, station managers are rummaging through their storage closets in search of extra 4s to display on their pumps. Many are coming up short.
That’s why Vishal Nair, who runs the Lukoil station at Eighth Avenue and 13th Street in Greenwich Village, took another plastic number last week, turned it over and scribbled “4” on it with a black magic marker. The result was an obviously homemade “$4.47,” but it would have to do until he received the extra 4s he ordered months ago.

Step right this way, Mr. President