
VATICAN CITY - In his Easter message on Christianity’s most joyous day, Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday decried suffering in the world, lamenting the “continual slaughter” in Iraq...

Do you think Bush gets the message!?!


Diane said...

The first episode I ever saw of West Wing had Pres. Bartlett struggling with letting a man be executed, and many of his staff, against the death penalty, had tried to persuade him to issue a stay - he doesn't and wonders if what he did was morally wrong. In the end he is talking to his priest, played by Karl Malden who says to him - "you had a rabbi, a quaker and a priest answer that for you, what more sign from God did you want?"

Karen said...

sage~ *sigh*

diane~ **double sigh**

Jolynn said...

I highly doubt it. He doesn't seem to care that the rest of the world thinks all of this is horrible. Nor does he care what Americans think either.

jeffrey said...

I highly doubt that the pope himselve cares. This man who is responsible for much death and agony in the world. Mainly in Afrika. By saying that people should not us protection when having sex, he is responsible for milions of deaths and aids babies. So why should i take this man anymore serious than President Bush?

jeffrey said...

The Pope recently called upon all christians to boycot Amnesty International. Simply for the fact that Amesty condones Abortion in extreme cases. In other words: Should your sister or Wife or girlfriend be raped. They are obligated to carry the possible unborn child of their rapist to terms. What is wrong with Christainity? Alot. So if I have to choose between The Pope or Bush, I would say: none of the obove. The lesser evil. There is no...