CROAK said on May 16, 2006 1:26 AM...
"Wot no pictures of our Lil Johnny sucking up to your Georgie porgie???Gee and I thought Australia was real good friends with you lot.... maybe just maybe we don't figure on the radar. Pity our folks just don't get that!!!"
Ask and you shall receive...enough to make you wanta CROAK, eh!?! LOL!!

"Wot no pictures of our Lil Johnny sucking up to your Georgie porgie???Gee and I thought Australia was real good friends with you lot.... maybe just maybe we don't figure on the radar. Pity our folks just don't get that!!!"
Ask and you shall receive...enough to make you wanta CROAK, eh!?! LOL!!

nice blog..
thanks mfaizalzul!
Remember when the aborigine lady cast some sort of a native spiritual curse on John Howard at an airport, and he just waved at her?
If that happened here, the person who cast the curse would be overpowered by a dozen secret service agents and interrogated for hours on a small stool in a big room with the only light source being a heat lamp situated a few feet over their head.
maybe we should plant a Bush in the Outback
I heard there were a bunch of Crocks in Austrailia.
crocks in Austrailia, crooks in Washington, crack in our schools...
What is the world coming to?
he, he, he... you guys are funny!
and i hate him.... (perhaps i've mentioned this before, as well?)*
*this just plays off the comment i left for the clinton pics!
i've been missing you, girlfriend! sorry i've been sick and kind of out of things for the past few days.... thanks for your sweet messages.... and that AMAZING artwork! (you're blowing minds with that stuff, karen... i swear you're gonna have to teach us how to do it!) anyway, i just wanted to say "hi" and thank you and tell you i've missed you & your great posts/wit!! : D
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