Wise Words From "W" Bush ...
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our people, and neither do we."
- Washington, D.C., August 5, 2004 -
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our people, and neither do we."
- Washington, D.C., August 5, 2004 -

Kudos to 'jc's designs'

I love that one, it's hilarious. What a well spoken President we have.
There is nothing like a well turned phrase.
Did you catch any of the news clips of the Washington Press Corps dinner?
One of the best comparisons was this: Nuclear proliferation vs. newkular prediferation. LMAO.
You an guess who made which statment.
bushisms... gotta love 'em! ya know, his dad was known for some doozies, as well--stupidity runs in the family, but i suspect the drugs/alcohol dubya did/consumed during his wayward youth only served to enhance his already mentally challenged way of thinking.
i'm not liking him very much these days... can ya tell? actually, i've never liked him, come to think of it. but my point, 'cuz i have one, is this: he sucks more than a 2 bit whore on a 4 bit date.
I'm still the only guy I think that doesn't want to impeach Bush.
I still have the same two reasons, plus one more.
The first two were 1: it won't happen with this Congress, and as Democrats we need to stay focused on getting rid of the GOP Congress this year, not a lame duck President, and 2: if we did get him out, then we'd get Dick Cheney as President-- hard to see how that would be any better.
To which we can add 3: The best thing we had going for us (in terms of this election) was Tom DeLay-- he's a natural lightning rod and a great guy to tie GOP Congressmen to. But Tom even got to the point where he recognized that, and quit. But now we have an even better lightning rod, with the President's approval ratings heading below the freezing point. He's a complete incompetent ass, and the majority of the country has finally come around to realizing it. So better than getting rid of him right now, let's run against him.
eli~ damn good points and you make sense on all counts.
I think the impeachment thing is more of an *emotional* statement against this despicable administration.
Maybe he was addressing the National Pesticides Association.
Karen, thanks for the link. It was hilarious.
I thnk I will mention it in my blog.
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