This is the man who CAN be President.
Renee said, "Wonderful, human video of Al Gore from 2000. I recommend watching it if your computer allows"...
During the 2000 Presidential campaign, Al Gore, a movie fan in general and a fan of Being John Malkovich in particular, asked Spike Jonze to come down to his house for a day to follow him and his family around with a camera. Spike brought his tiny handheld video camera and came up with a portrait so real, so humanizing, and so powerful that of course Gore's advisors had to bury it.

I often think about what state our country would be in had Gore won the electoral election.
Just thinking back to that debacle makes my head hurt...ugh.
phoenix~ my head hurts, also, along with my *heart*... sigh.
there's so much about that election year that hurts...you just wonder who his "handlers" were really working for... god knows they didn't do al any favors.
this man would have made a great president... tho' i'm not entirely convinced we won't see him on the 2008 ticket. how sweet would that be? who knows...maybe gore/edwards? (we can always hope, can't we?) sigh
thanks for the link, karen!
Just watched the whole video. Very human. Seemingly uncontrived. I'm sure you have tried that google thing where you type in the word failure and hit search...
And Hi Michele sent me.
puppytoes~ sure hope Al is on the ticket but even if he wins he won't have enough time in office to undo the harm the bushies have caused. :(
rashbre~ yes, Al is very human, not at all the way the rethugs portrayed him.
Funny how the direction of a nation can sometimes be changed by a simple decision.
carmi~ i hear ya.
That was amazing. Thank you so much for sharing. What a damned shame. Good guy, bad politician. Exactly what this country needs.
Visiting your site, makes me desperately wish I was an American. As a lowly Canuck, I don't feel it is my place to criticize your government, when my own is doing such a bang up crappy job. However, I will say, I along with many others, wish Gore sat inside on the presidential chair...
Nice to see you chicky!
Hmmmm ... A president who can't spell or one who can't pronounce words? That's a toughie.
...Well, if it weren't for Gore we wouldn't be doing this - after all he invented the Internet, didn't he?
You know, he should have. But let's face it, Gore was backstabbed by progressives who thought that there would be no difference between him and George Bush, so they voted for Nader.
Hale McKay:
He didn't articulate it very well, but if you go back to the 1992 election, he proposed (and Clinton adopted) an 'information superhighway,' which linked the already existing local or limited networks into a world wide web. This was financed by a phone tax (about the only part of it that Republicans like to remind you of-- the 'Clinton-Gore phone tax')
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